With news regarding climate change in the forefront of many peoples minds award-winning author and illustrator Neal Layton has created two stunning non-fiction books for children. These vibrant and informative books provide the perfect platform for creating a new wave of environmental warriors and planet protectors.
‘The combination of a picture book format and that of a non-fiction publication ensures younger audiences will feel immersed and engaged…[this book] informs younger readers by breaking down the information so that they can understand the terminology being used around them, feel a part of the conversation, and make changes to their behaviours and lifestyles to benefit the planet – Greta Thunberg would be proud!’ – Federation of Children’s Book Groups
Inspired by trips to his local beach on the south coast and his dismay at the quantity of discarded plastics polluting the surrounding area and more widely across the planet Neal set about writing and illustrating A Planet Full of Plastic for Wren and Rook. Aimed at introducing young readers to the concept of recycling, the history of plastic, reducing the excessive use of single use plastics and exploring plastic alternatives this educational read is packed with helpful everyday tips. Aside from Neal’s brilliantly comical highly animated illustrations his absolute passion and commitment for preserving the planet for future generations shines through with authenticity on every single page.
We are thrilled that the recently announced UKLA Book Award longlist features A Planet Full of Plastic so we have our fingers firmly crossed.
Pull up a chair and enjoy Neal reading from this fabulous book and then read a fabulous review for A Planet Full of Plastic over on the Eco Kids website HERE.
A Climate in Chaos (published by Wren & Rook) partners A Planet Full of Plastic and is perfect for readers aged 5-7 who love nature and want to help the environment, including those who may be feeling worried and confused about what climate change is. On publication A Climate in Chaos received numerous rave reviews for the way in which it delivered factually accurate and vitally important information in an immersive and engaging way.

You can see more of Neal’s work by visiting his online portfolio HERE, he can also be found on Instagram and Twitter. For more information about these books and working with Neal Layton please email info@arenaillustration.com