This week we are celebrating the work of Arena Illustrator Joe Lillington. Originally a Londoner, Joe now works from a bright and airy studio in the creative hub of Bristol. With an in-depth knowledge of a myriad of subjects including a passion for Medieval manuscripts, Joe's work lends itself equally to fiction and non-fiction projects. With his incredible attention to detail and ability to create imaginary worlds, his versatility means his work is honest, approachable and engaging.

Joe ensures an admirable level of research behind his historical non-fiction projects. From the minute detail in the characters outfits, to factually correct weaponry and observations of everyday life, Joe's genuine interest in the subjects shines through his work with incredible authenticity.

Joe works digitally and has created his own set of bespoke ProCreate brushes, 'Joe's Brush Set', for which he regularly shares hints and tips with other creatives online using the #joesbrushset. Inspired by the books he reads, or films and TV documentaries he's seen, we love his quick iPad sketches which often show Joe's more whimsical side.
With a speedy turnaround on briefs from concept to finished artwork Joe has quickly become a firm favourite with his numerous clients including Hachette Children's Books, Flying Eye Books and Penguin Random House.
Be sure to check our social media channels for lots of sneak peeks, insights and previously unseen work this week as part of our Joe Lillington take-over. You can view Joe's stunning online portfolio over on our website HERE, or you can also find him on Instagram and Twitter.
For more information regarding collaborating with Joe please email