Frances Castle is an incredibly talented artist, with her finger firmly on the pulse of popular culture, an eye for contemporary design as well as echoes of nostalgia. Just like her favourite artists, twentieth-century painters such as Eric Ravilious, John Piper and Edward Hopper, her work has a meloncholic, almost eerie quality to it that chimes perfectly with the ambient music that she releases via her boutique music label, Clay Pipe Music.

"Finding your own voice as illustrator is as important as finding your voice as a musician. You can be influenced by others, but it only becomes your own work when you inject your personality and passions into it." - taken from Fifteen Questions Interview with Frances Castle.

Frances is an award-winning artist who has worked for a broad range of clients over the years creating book covers, poster designs and murals and she also writes and illustrates her own graphic novels - the Stagdale series. Recent projects include her second colouring book for the Imperial War Museum that centres around the heroic work of courageous animals during the first and second World Wars and also some banners inspired by vintage cinema for the Heart shopping centre in Walton-on-Thames.

Frances Castle - vinyl sleeve design for Magic Lantern by Garden Gate

Frances is based in London and has worked as a freelance illustrator since 2005, previously working in the computer game industry, her digital illustrations have been commissioned by The Guardian, the BBC and numerous publishing houses.

 Take a look at all of Frances' new work over on her portfolio, but before you go - check out this quick tour of her studio!

You can find Frances on Instagram and her own website. For more information regarding collaborating with Frances please email You can read our previous news pieces about Frances and her work HERE.  

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