Settle down in your gaming chair! Nosy Crow have launched the next Super Rabbit Boy story by Thomas Flintham.

The fully illustrated early readers market is highly competitive, but one which Arena illustrators are not only contributing to, but dominating, with award-winners, best-sellers and animated series. This is a hugely exciting and constantly evolving genre which we are thrilled to be a major part of.

Now we get to celebrate the publication of the 7th in this best-selling series,  Press Start Robbo-Rabbit Boy Go! Written and illustrated by Thomas Flintham

Sunny’s playing his favourite video game again: Super Rabbit Boy! Oh no! Queen Spooky and her ghosts have kidnapped Super Rabbit Boy. Only a TRUE HERO can stop her. Robo-Rabbit boy is fast and strong like Super Rabbit Boy. But can a robot really be a true hero? Sunny’s ready to PRESS START and find out! 

Bright, bold illustrations with strong lines and pixilated characters beautifully echo the early digital computer games from Thomas’s childhood which inspired this series. We spent some time with Thomas, who took part in our quick-fire creative quiz and told us a little bit more about his, creative process and inspirations.

Press Start - Quick Fire Quiz!

What's your favorite computer game / gaming character ?

My favourite video game ever is ’The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening’ for the Gameboy. The graphics are simple but the gameplay is great. It’s full of great characters and the ending is surprisingly moving for a Gameboy game. My Favourite gaming character is Mario. He’s such a simple and happy character. His games are top notch too.

Nintendo or PlayStation? 

Easily Nintendo and it’s not even close! I’m a Nintendo super fan!

Best snack to eat while you are working...

Always chocolate! I’m a big fan of Cadbury’s wholenut and peanut M&Ms, but lately I’ve been favouring Maltesers. Yum!

Favourite colour?


Thing you doodle most often...

Rabbits and stars

Which of your books would make the best movie? 

'Press Start! Game Over, Super Rabbit Boy!’ 

If you could have a super skill what would it be? 

I’d love to be able to fly, but super speed or the ability to clone myself would be more helpful, especially when there’s a looming deadline.

You have £5 pocket money, what are you going to buy? 


Do you have a favourite superhero? 

Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece. Although he is a super powered pirate, but I still think he counts!

Who would play Super Rabbit Boy in a live action movie? 

Michael Cera

Can you tell us a bit about your creative process and your daily routine when working on a Press Start book...

There are three major stages to making a Press Start book. 
The first stage is writing the text. I spend months thinking about a new story while working on the artwork for the preceding book. Once it’s time to start writing I spend a chunk of time working through my ideas and making a plan. Then I start writing the first draft, usually I get halfway through before I realise it’s no longer following the plan at all!
Once the text is written I start sketching the page layouts. I often tweak and revise the text during in this stage to make sure the words and pictures are working together perfectly.
The final stage is creating the finished art. This is the hardest stage because the Press Start! series has a intricate and time consuming visual style. It’s quite a challenge but it’s also probably my favourite stage.

Do you still sketch for pleasure? 

I haven’t for quite a while, my illustration work takes up all my time and energy. Luckily I really enjoy my work so it’s a pleasure in itself!

Where are you finding most of your inspiration these days? 

While I’ve been working on Press Start! I’ve taken a lot of influence from a variety of manga, specifically shonen manga like One Piece, Bakuman and Naruto. They have intricate, exciting and well paced action scenes and stories that have been a big influence on Super Rabbit Boy’s adventures.

If you could collaborate on a book project with any author / artist / musician or actor who would you choose? 

Can I say Nintendo? I want to make a Super Mario book and a Super Rabbit Boy game!

Which was the most valuable piece of advice you received whilst training as an illustrator? 

That its important to find and use your own distinct visual voice. It’s important to have a style and process that is uniquely your own.

Thomas is located on the south coast, where he lives with his dog Ziggy. Working digitally, he draws huge inspiration from his passion for gaming, mazes, vintage toys and comics. Aside from a huge selection of children’s publishing houses, Thomas has also worked for clients including Marks and Spencer and Lonely Planet.

Press Start Robo-Rabbit Boy Go! By Thomas Flintham is published by Nosy Crow and you can grab a copy here.


Congratulations Thomas!

You can find Thomas on Instagram, but don’t forget to check out his website. And if you would like to find out more about Thomas’s Press Start books check this link.

For more information regarding dual player collaborations please email or call 02085559827




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