Ben Pole is about to meet the BEST and strangest friend he'll ever have ... KING COO! A girl, with a beard, who lives in a mysterious forest filled with incredible tree houses, her genius inventions, and a wombat called HERBERT. Things are never going to be boring (or normal) again.

This new edition of KING COO showcases Adam's unrivalled skill at writing funny, fully illustrated books for younger children, taking them on fanastic journeys which on the surface appear normal but are anything but!

For a brand-new audience of readers, beautifully re-designed this side-splitting illustrated fiction series will leap off the shelves into the hands of readers with its vibrant new cover treatment, designed by Adam. Bursting at the seams with hilarious illustrations we can’t wait for a whole new wave of eager young readers to meet King Coo and the gang. The King Coo series is published by David Fickling Books.