News tagged with "flying eye books"
A Magical Graphic Novel from Billy Partridge
Billy's amazing debut, Hupo and the Wonder Thief is published this month by Flying Eye Books...
A look inside Ancient Warriors Illustrated by Joe Lillington
Throughout history, timelines have been punctuated with epic battles, for control of land, resources and communities. Flying Eye Books...
An interview with illustrator Joe Lillington
Joe Lillington has been represented by Arena Illustration for two years and in that time has emerged as a go-to illustrator for historical...
Joe Lillington Shortlisted for Klaus Flugge Prize
Joe Lillington, one of our newest recruits, has been shortlisted for the Klaus Flugge Prize with Toby and the Ice Giants, published...
Neffy and the Feathered Dinosaurs is published!
The first picture book to draw on the evidence recently discovered that some dinosaurs had feathers, Joe Lillington's second picture...
NEW ARTIST ALERT: Say Hello to Joe!
Introducing another new illustrator to Arena, please welcome Joe Lillington! A graduate from Falmouth and one of It's Nice That's 2014...